Supplier Experience Live 2024 8th October Amsterdam, Official DPW Side Event.

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Article — 1.5 min read

Survey Reveals Persistent Challenges in Supplier Relationships

Supplier relationships remain strained due to a disconnect between suppliers’ needs and what buying organizations perceive those needs to be. Despite this, more organizations across various industries are starting to recognize the importance of providing a best-in-class supplier experience as a key differentiator. Our latest survey gathered insights from 1,000 suppliers serving enterprise customers in […]

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Article — 34.5 second read

Infographic: Supplier Marketing

Step into the future of Procurement with our visually captivating infographic that highlights the significance of Supplier Marketing. In this piece, we analyze two of our recent surveys, offering a comprehensive view of Procurement from both the buyers’ and suppliers’ perspectives. The results reveal a noticeable gap between the desires and necessities of suppliers, and […]

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Article — 69 second read

Infographic: The Voice of the Supplier Survey

This infographic provides a quick summary of the key findings from our recent Voice of the Supplier Survey 2022. The way in which we work with suppliers has to change. Recent events have shown that ‘supplier experience’ is behind other areas, such as customer experience (CX) and employee experience – and this can be damaging […]

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