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How to Navigate Rocky Terrain with Suppliers Beyond 2021


The 2020s have been one tough decade…and it’s only 2021. When it comes to building strong supplier experience management for the future, procurement needs to rethink our strategies.

Earlier this year, Procurious and HICX teamed up to bring you the ultimate survivalist webcast: How to Improve Supplier Experience. In it, we discussed the lessons procurement needed to learn in order to achieve optimal supplier experience management (especially when it comes to data), maintain it during whatever crisis we are thrown into next, to rebuild trust with suppliers after a disruption, and to remain a customer of choice. But we’ll let the webcast speak for itself – it’s available on demand, here.

But even after our discussions in March, we still find ourselves facing the all-important issue of supplier management. And the missing ingredient to understanding this critical area of management? Well, feedback from our procurement professionals! The team at HICX wanted to hear their thoughts, so they conducted The Supplier Experience Survey. We’ll get to the key findings shortly, but firstly, there’s a fundamental question to be answered. 

How do we rethink our supplier experience management strategies?

And, especially considering this volatile landscape, how can enterprise leaders build resilience into their sourcing and supply chain operations?

We enlisted the help of Chief Marketing Officer at HICX, Anthony Payne, to answer these critical questions…

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