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Sourcing and Procurement Data Management: Best Practices

Sourcing and Procurement Data Management Best Practices

What’s inside?

For multinational, upper middle market (UMM) and enterprise companies, maintaining efficient Procure-to-Pay (P2P), Source-to-Settle (S2S), and supply chain processes is critical to sustaining business success and competitive advantage. Many companies try to accomplish this by replacing manual processes and increasing control over spend with P2P and S2S  automation software. While this is the correct approach in general, when software is adopted without the right strategies and considerations, technology implementations can fail to
achieve their full potential in terms of return on investment (ROI) and process improvements.

One of the main factors that determines the success of a P2P or S2S software implementation is how supplier master data is migrated and managed.

This whitepaper explores modern supplier data management trends among organizations, and highlights the use case and value of supplier master data management software. The white paper also includes examples of how companies have leveraged technology to correct and improve their supplier data management strategies.

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