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The AI Revolution in Procurement

The AI Revolution in Procurement

What’s inside?

The AI revolution may, at last, be coming to procurement. This report outlines the opportunity – and the foundation required to make it work.

In this detailed and insightful report, procurement experts share their views on how the Artificial Intelligence revolution will impact the sector and how technological advancements can be utilised effectively to produce better business outcomes. Below is a list of featured articles to give you an idea of the topics covered:

Finally, the revolution may be about to arrive – by Peter Smith, MD of Spend Matters
AI in procurement has great potential – once it starts to work on strategic problems

Data excellence is the key to making AI work – by Costas Xyloyiannis, CEO of HICX
The digitisation of procurement means data entry is now a mission-critical process

Five ways AI will turbocharge procurement – by Peter Smith, MD of Spend Matters
From securing a better deal to early warnings on supplier risk, this is where change is coming

Getting to work: where AI can make a difference – by Oliver Pickup
Experts identify which steps in the procurement process are most likely to be of benefit

The advantage of accuracy
BAE Systems’ decision to add precision to its supplier database brought a long list of additional benefits

Have you got the talent to survive the AI revolution? – by Oliver Pickup
Procurement professionals will need higher-level skills to stay relevant when low-level tasks become automated

The clear-sighted route to digital transformation – by Giles Breault, Principal and Co-founder at The Beyond Group
There is no shortcut to effective digitisation. It takes thought, careful investment, time and resources

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