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The Voice of the Supplier Survey

The Voice of the Supplier Survey - 2022

What’s inside?

As Dr. Elouise Epstein puts it, the way in which we work with suppliers simply has to change.

Recent events have shown that ‘supplier experience’ is behind other areas, such as Customer experience (CX) and this can be damaging. It means that suppliers can often face unnecessary administrative burden, poor information sharing and slow communications.

What should the new experience be like? Of course, one of the most important stakeholders are the suppliers themselves, so we asked them about their current experiences and what they feel should be improved.

In this white paper, we explore the results of the survey, with recommendations for priorities based on the supplier view.

The survey includes:

  1. Detailed results and analysis of the findings
  2. The importance of caring about the supplier experience
  3. The benefits of addressing the suppliers’ perspective

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